Einsteinium Foundation is Official sponsor of the BLOCKCHAIN ADRIA Conference


Blockchain Adria – the Biggest Blockchain Conference in SE Europe

Blockchain Adria -- the biggest blockchain conference in South East Europe scheduled to be held on October 14, 2017, in Hotel Lone, Rovinj, Croatia.

The attendees will be introduced to different aspects of blockchain, focusing especially on the possibilities of developing a startups on this technology.

The blockchain is an increasingly popular technology on which cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Einsteinium are based, with characteristics that make this distributed base suitable for various uses.

The event will encompass lectures and demonstrations of different aspects and advantages of this technology, its areas of usage, as well as examples of regional initiatives based on the blockchain.


Confirmed speakers at the conference are leading blockchain experts in SEE and topics that are going to be covered: introduction to decentralized way of thinking,   presentations of regional blockchain projects, presentations of local Ethereum, Einsteinium projects, panel discussion, and Q&A session.

For more information please visit the official website: www.blockchainadria.com

Einsteinium Foundation is happy to support and promote this kind of events!