Electrum Servers, Web Wallet, Magento Plug In, Mobile Payments


Here's the update on what's happening to EMC2

-As our Electrum servers are up and running, thanks to Coinomi team, we started development of our Web Wallet. Along with Web Wallet, API will come in the same release as endpoint to our custom mobile wallets and various plugins. Magento plug in comes first.

- Syncitgroup started working on Magento plug-in and Einsteinium Store. 

- Einsteinium Foundation formed a core team (c++ developer + system admins) to make our wallet code up to date (for new members: that this project started back in 2014... )

- Bluelab started working on designing our crowdfunding platform, and subcontractors negotiation.

- voxtel.com (Bluelab partner form Montreal) got interested in emc2 coin. They took initiative and now are in touch with djnocide, exploring oportunities for two platforms to integrate.