Update on EMC2 Hard Fork

Update on EMC2 HardFork

Coding is done - EMC2 hard Fork code (ver is ready and checked in our official GitHub repo: https://github.com/emc2foundation/einsteinium
Testing is done - new wallet ver passed all our test, both autmatad and manual.
Wallets (Windows and Mac) are built and ready to be published.

Communication with major players is active: 
Bittrex - confirmed immediate update and they are witing on our final signal.
H2C mining pool- confirmed update, waiting on our green light. 
Supernova mining pool - is informed, they did not respond back, but since they are long time EMC2 supporter we do not expect any issues.

Cryptopia - is responsive, no issues with them.
3rd party - serivces are informed and will follow.

Poloniex - We are in daily touch with Poloniex via Skype, and this is a big improvement since the summer.
We submitted wallet upgrade ticket and it is escalated to their wallet engineers.
We are waiting on response, and will post update as soon as we get.
They have to follow internal procedures.

IMPORTANT: Even code is ready and publicly available, please DO NOT UPGRADE nodes YET, till we sync completely with Poloniex. 

Thank you for patience, we are getting close.

EMC2 Dev Team