EMC2 Statement on the recent social protests and racial injustice — Einsteinium

EMC2 Statement on the recent social protests and racial injustice

To members of the Einsteinium Community:

We are deeply saddened as we have recently witnessed the horrific events around the deaths of George Floyd in Minnesota, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and Breonna Taylor in Kentucky to name a few. The Einsteinium Foundation joins in arms with others that oppose racial oppression and actively participate in efforts towards racial equity. Our foundation was built with the idea that an open society and the world together, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socio-economic background can accomplish anything. As a nonprofit organization founded to support scientific research through the blockchain The Einsteinium Foundation promotes critical thinking and peaceful and purposeful activism against injustice. We join with leaders and others across the globe in condemning violence towards peaceful protestors, and the deep-rooted racism towards people of color.

A number of resources have been made available online to support the ongoing efforts of those actively involved in the protests. If you are in a position to do so, please consider making a donation to these worthy organizations.

Through our collective action we will overcome these difficult times.

Leadership of The Einsteinium Foundation

About the Einsteinium Foundation: The Einsteinium Foundation is a non-profit organization (NPO), and the world's first NPO to be backed by cryptocurrency. The defining characteristics of The Einsteinium Foundation is its ongoing commitment to research and charitable missions throughout the world, and to the safeguarding, maintenance, and development of Einsteinium, an international digital currency built on a secure, decentralized open ledger, or blockchain.

Press contact: Alexander Lucaci, Alexander.Lucaci@Emc2.Foundation