Hard Fork & Burning 55 Million Coins
The Einsteinium Foundation has decided to remove the ‘Wormhole’ feature from the coin.
This will reduce the total supply by 55075320 coins.
In the past, the Wormhole was a useful feature that created volume and volatility in the markets and kept the interest of the community. However, along with the price increase, abuse has increased as well.
Please update your EMC2 nodes with our new code, that can be found on our official GitHub repo:
All exchanges and other important businesses are already on the new chain.
New wallets are available for download.
This is an important message for all EMC2 users to take immediate action. Einsteinium is currently transitioning to an all new blockchain via hard fork. It is vital to upgrade your wallet and store your coins on the new chain before December 9th. After this date, the old chain will no longer be supported. We appreciate all of the support from our community as we complete this necessary upgrade.
EMC2 is available for trade on South Korean exchange UpBit.
Seems like EMC2 is getting big in Asia. Since we opened Kakao channel 960 people jumped in in few days. Join your friends and have fun: https://open.kakao.com/o/gUJ7V8C
EMC2 Board Change
In March of 2014, EMC2 coin was released by the Einsteinium Foundation. Since then and until now the Foundation has changed several times. The most current change happened during the summer of 2017. Our current crew consists of members that were part of the original team, vanguards that carried the fort for years as well as new developers and strikers.
All together there is a great senergy inside the team that openly stands behind and is truly committed to take the Einsteinium crypto system where it belongs, to the top of the list, and beyond.
Our goal is to bringing this coin and its beautiful blockchain technology to the people.
Subcontractors that are working on various software modules are not currently listed on our website.
Application Development
Initial draft of the new roadmap is published on our website. There are several projects which will be added to the list once we identify and budget resources. We are also preparing developers blog.
Big announcement to be made on December 19th.
Even though it is not excluded that we might work with Apple in the future, the big news is not about the Apple at this time. This is something important for Einsteinium.
New Communication Channels
Within the last few weeks our official Telegram hit its limit with 2000 people joining in only a few days. We introduced moderation and now things are getting back in order.