Wallet update, please do not make transactions


Dear EMC2  holders,

On 10/17/18 Einsteinium network experienced a real 51% attack. Komodo dPoW, that we implemented in our code recently, kicked in and protected the chain. We are very pleased that this solution worked well and that Einsteinium chain is protected from any attacks in the future.

IMPORTANT: At this point please do not make any EMC2 transactions until the new EMC2 Lightsaber wallet is fully deployed to the field .

We are working and helping all major participators to upgrade to the new version. If you need any assistance please contact us at: developer@emc2.foundation

Since dPoW implementation into EMC2 is complete and well tested we will release new wallet (Lightsaber) builds and tutorial in next 24~48 hours on our official website www.emc2.foundation.

WeeeeCash deposits/withdrawals and registration has been temporarily frozen for necessary upgrade to the new wallet version.

Meanwhile we urge all miners and exchanges that are still running old wallet version (0.13.48) to upgrade to the latest (0.13.5). Code is available in “master” branch on our github: https://github.com/emc2foundation/einsteinium

If you are miner please make sure that you are mining on pools that are running latest wallet version (0.13.5) or your rewarded coins will not be spendable on exchanges.

-EMC2 Dev Team

EMC2 on Poloniex delisting notice


Poloniex delisting announcement came as a complete shock to us. We were not notified ahead of time and given no warning that this might occur. In fact, we were in process with members of Poloniex’s development team resolving an issue with our wallets, which is still in progress. It certainly is not an ideal situation, however we are on other well-known exchanges and this will not affect us in the long run. We wish Poloniex the best, they have a lot of competition in the space and moves such as this aren’t helpful in maintaining trust and reputation in the blockchain community.



Lightning network payments are now available on Einsteinium main net!

Einsteinium official Lightning nodes are deployed and active.

Client downloads and tutorial of how to set up an EMC2 Lightning Node are available at: https://www.emc2.foundation/lightning 

We will continuously work to upgrade existing lightning network and release new apps and tools in order to bring closer this kind of fast payments to developers and our users.

EMC2 Lightning Network GUI wallet, explorer, EMC2 LN apps and many more are still to come.

Lightning Network going live on Einsteinium


The lightning network is comprised of user-generated channels that send payments back and forth in a secure and trust-less fashion. Because the transactions are just between known parties and do not need to be broadcast to the whole network, they are almost instantaneous. And because there are no miners that need incentivizing, transaction fees are low or even non-existent. This will give EMC2 a significant advantage for those looking for the fastest transnational speeds and lowest fees in the crypto-space.