Lightning network payments are now available on Einsteinium main net!

Einsteinium official Lightning nodes are deployed and active.

Client downloads and tutorial of how to set up an EMC2 Lightning Node are available at: 

We will continuously work to upgrade existing lightning network and release new apps and tools in order to bring closer this kind of fast payments to developers and our users.

EMC2 Lightning Network GUI wallet, explorer, EMC2 LN apps and many more are still to come.

If you need any help with setting up EMC2 Lightning node or you encounter any other issue feel free to contact us via form on the contact page here or send us an email to we will be more than happy to assist.

EMC2Me Progress update


Researching EMC2 Crowd Founding Platform. - Done
Implementing user login and registration. - Done
Implementing "forgot password" mechanism. - Done
Implementing 2 factor authentication. - Done
Implementing user profile editing. - Done
Implementing user info on profile view. - Done
Implementing image and video upload mechanism. - Done
Implementing project preview component. - Done
Implementing Browse by Category component and projects list component. - Done
Implementing projects search. - Done
Implementing projects started list on user profile view. - Done
Implementing display of project cover image / video, information about project funding and short info about the project in overview tab on project view page. - Done
Implementing display of project budget in overview tab on project view page. - Done
Implementing display of project timeline in overview tab on project view page. - Done
Implementing display of project team members in overview tab on project view page. - Done

Implementing display of project details and attachments in project details and attachment tabs on project view page. - In progress
Implementing backing project in overview tab on project view page. - In progress
Implementing lab notes in lab notes tab on project view page. - In progress
Implementing discussion in discussion tab on project view page. - In progress
Implementing backed projects list on user profile view. - In progress
Implementing lab notes list on user profile view. - In progress
Implementing comments on user profile view. - In progress
Implementing project creation. - In progress
Implementing control panel for web site administration - In progress


Final testing.

Update on algo change

EMC2 Algo change update

1. Researching Ethash (concept and implementation) - Done

2. Implementing Ethash in Einsteinium core. - Done

In this stage, Ethash algorithm was rewritten from original implementation of Ethereum.

3. Implementing changes in block structure. - Done

Ethash demands some attributes in block header that do not exist in current Einsteinium version. Also, adding those attributes will help in next stage.

4. Implementing algo version conditions - Done

In order to use existing genesis and create hardfork, it was needed to create condition that will check block number and swich algo.

5. Testing block broadcast. – In progress

Functions that verify broadcasted blocks need to be updated…

6. Implementing changes in existing EMC2 stratum. – In progress

Current implementation of Stratum protocol cannot handle new attributes in block structure and API calls.

We are making the progress with ETH hash, but we do not exclude possibility to implement some other good algo, or even multi algo scenario. It would be core devs call.


New Mac and Linux wallet builds

Since previous build of Excalibur Mac Wallet wasn’t compatible with Mac OS Sierra, we published new one which is. New build for linux is also published with the static boost libraries.

Both of them can be downloaded from wallet page:

Users that already have working version of Excalibur wallet doesn’t need to switch to the new ones. - Short update


BACKEND: Login and register users systems are fully functional, as well as the process of user accounts verification and reset passwords. As safety procedure password confirmation has been set for certain actions. Search for users by types has been enabled. Adding, deleting, blocking and moving contacts to a favorite list is also functional.  Transactions and requests for sending EMC2 are in a building process.

ANDROID CLIENT: Login, Register and People screens design has been implemented. As for functionality, Login and Register are fully functional. Profile details are made - adding a profile picture, choosing a country, date birth etc. are functional. On People screen beside the design, listing currently added contacts through the contact list, as well as adding new contacts to list has been enabled.